Digitale tekening van winters tafereel, huisstijl Kerststad Valkenburg

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find the answer to (almost) all of your questions!

Planning a visit to Christmas Town Valkenburg is of course great fun, but 1001 questions may pop up in your mind. What activities can I join? Take a look at our overview of frequently asked questions, in which we try to help you as best as we can.

For all your questions about …

Close up van hand die telefoon vasthoudt waarop een toegangsticket is te zien

FAQ Tickets

Super fun! There is so much to do in Valkenburg, but how do you get tickets? And how does it work with reservations? To make booking your ticket as easy as possible, we have listed the most common uncertainties for you. 

Een doorkijkje met shoppende mensen in een kerstversierde mergelgang

FAQ Christmas Caves

If you travel to Christmas Town Valkenburg, a visit to the Christmas caves is an absolute must. But are there still things you should take into account during your visit to the Christmas caves? We have mapped it out for you. 

Mensen kijken naar parade van ganzen met daarachter een muzikant met dikke trom op de rug

FAQ Accessibility

As you can imagine, a lot of people want to enjoy a day at Christmas Town Valkenburg. So prepare yourself in advance and find out how you can reach Christmas Town best and where you can park. That way you can start your day as soon as possible!

The most useful tips for visiting Christmas Town!

Een indrukwekkende hotelkamer in een kasteelhotel met zwarte sierlijke wenteltrap en een groot kingsize bed

The coziest stays!

Check out all accommodations in Valkenburg aan de Geul to relax after a day at the Christmas Town.

Vrouw loopt door gang van kerstgrot

Taste the ambiance in advance

Check out the nicest blogs and vlogs about Christmas Town Valkenburg. This way you will not only discover the nicest places, but you will also get into the Christmas spirit! 

Kerstman zwaait vanaf praalwagen

Information pour les médias

Voulez-vous écrire, publier ou diffuser sur le Village de Noël de Valkenburg? Nous vous en remercions! Nos portes sont toujours ouvertes pour les médias et les influenceurs et nous vous aidons volontiers à repondre à toutes vos questions. Téléchargez notre dossier de presse avec des photos et des informations pratiques, ou contactez-nous. 

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